Accessing Pixels to Desk
How do I register for Pixels to Desk?
- For a client to access Pixels to Desk they must have first bought a Pixels to Desk license from Vaarst, if you would like a license but do not have one, please contact us at: [email protected].
- Once you have a license you will only be able to access the Pixels to Desk product from our Vaarst Data Platform. For more information about our Vaarst Data Platform and how to use it, please follow our help articles here.
- Alternatively navigate to: where there is a help widget to access the articles from too.
- Currently you can't register for the platform from the login page instead you can email us to register you at: [email protected].
How do I access Pixels to Desk?
- Once in the platform click on the waffle menu
- Click on Pixels to Desk
Fundamentals of Pixels to Desk
What is Pixels to Desk?
- Pixels to Desk is a Vaarst Product that is to be used in conjunction with Vaarst SubSLAM cameras.
- It allows the user to start a re-construction using the SubSLAM camera and then live stream the reconstruction to the Vaarst Data Platform (cloud-based), thus allowing anyone with the correct access to see the 3D pointcloud that is being built in real-time.
What features does Pixels to Desk have?
- Allows streaming of multiple re-constructions at the same time e.g. if you are using 2 SubSLAM cameras on 2 different boats in different locations but want to see both their reconstructions, it is possible to switch between both reconstructions.
- See the keyframe images alongside the pointcloud reconstruction which displays the image that the camera is looking at, this can be toggled on and off
- See the ROVs location and view in comparison to the reconstruction, this can be toggled on and off
- Download the pointcloud file as a .ply to your desktop
- Perform linear measurements (point to point)
- Perform angular measurements (angle between two lines)
What is included in a Pixels to Desk license?
- A Pixels to Desk license is purchased per SubSLAM camera
- For each camera, the license buys you the above features for up to 10 different users (seats) to be able to view the reconstruction concurrently.
- When the license is initially bought we will ask for a list of users who will occupy the seats and permissions will be allocated to them.
- Seats can be changed between different users after this, we plan to make this self-serve through the platform but for now you will have to email [email protected] or raise a new support ticket through the platform help widget or through with the users you want to change.