
  • Pixels to Desk is a Vaarst Product that is to be used in conjunction with Vaarst SubSLAM cameras. 
  • It allows the user to start a re-construction using the SubSLAM camera and then live stream the reconstruction to the Vaarst Data Platform (cloud-based), thus allowing anyone with the correct access to see the 3D pointcloud that is being built in real-time. 

Accessing Pixels to Desk

  1. Navigate to
  2. Login
  3. Click on the waffle menu in the right hand side of the banner
  4. Click on the 'Pixels to Desk' button
  5. You will be presented with this screen

You can also access the screen by navigating directly to

Viewing a camera's live-stream 

  1. Find the camera you want to view from the list, you can do this by 
    1. Looking down the list
    2. Searching in the 'Name' search bar
      1. To remove this filter click on the 'x' button inside the bar
    3. If you know there is only one camera streaming at the time, filtering on streaming cameras
  2. Click on 'Select Camera' next to the camera you wish to view and you will be taken to the live stream